Tea pot and cups

Started by alessandracir, Oct 03, 2014, 08:05:13

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Basically I would think painting style, colors and the eyes and hairdo of the ladies would fit about 1920s to 30s.  However, as mentioned earlier the writing style of the signature on the pot does not correspond with that on a clearly older item. (With older I mean that the decoration shows clear usage and age signs.) The cup is in a similar condition as the teapot.

I own both old and new items with this type of decoration and I must say that its quality resembles more the newer one. The black characters are also look more gray/abraded on the older items. Therefore, I would assume that these are  items made in the second half of the 20th century.


So mid 20th century, thanks Peter.



One last question, does this painting style/ type of design have a name or classification?


just wondering if it is considered to be Five colour porcelain or famille Rose?



Just wondering, since the teapot says "Made by Zhang Rong-shun, in Jiangxi",  while the cup says "Xiang Rui Qi Zhen", would cups be made by one person and the teapot another?
I am just trying to figure out if the cups and teapot came together in a set, or if the cups were purchased separately to visually match the teapot.


It looks like they were matched, not a made together, the marks on the bottom are deferent, on sets made for each other you would have the same marks, or the cups would not have been marked, I have seen sets like that, where the tea pot would be marked and the cups unmarked but the decoration would be the same on each, it does not look like your cups decoration matches  the tea pot decoration.
