Hizan pottery

Started by Stan, Sep 07, 2024, 02:39:57

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Hi Peter and all, Here is an old vase I just received, I think I found the potter that made it, this vase is 40.9 cm tall, and has all the right color tones for Meiji period, I believe the the marks say Hi-Zan Ari-Ta and the marks on the Left say Atsusada Seisu. At first I thought is was Fukagawa but now maybe not or a potter of Fukagawa that Im not familiar with, Any Ideas ?


Here are the last of the photos, thanks for viewing.



Hizen (or Bizen) province, Arita is a place name in that province. It appears that many smaller pottery manufacturers operate in the area even today. Fukagawa might be a larger one.

Anyway, 武貞 read as Takesada would probably be a more common reading of that name today. As always, unless one knows/finds that specific person, the reading may differ somewhat (the readings differed over the ages, but today multiple readings often coexist.)


Hi Peter, The book I have Japanese marks and seals by James Lord Bowes, in the Hizen potter section #82 has what looks like the same marks as the left side on my vase and #85 gives the reading of the marks on the right side, the marks on the right side are clearly Arita Hizen but the marks on the left side are not but look pretty close.


Stan, there exists a name called Atsusada, but the first Kanji is not the same. I tried if 武 could have some other reading, but there seems to be no 'atsu'. Maybe the book is incorrect in this respect. It is Takesada, but we do not even know if it is a family name, a first name, or artist's name...
Anyway, I just found something that may interest you, and anyone trying to find Japanese names.



Thanks Peter and thanks for the Japanese Dictionary.