black glazed vase.

Started by Stan, Aug 21, 2014, 00:31:28

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Hi Peter, sorry I do not have any photos, but I am thinking of purchasing a vase that has a all black glaze with a Kangxi mark, it has all the age signs and the black glaze is a drip glaze, did they have black glazed vases that was dripped on back then, the shape is a traditional shape, the glaze inside is white and the bottom is white with a double blue circle with a  six character Kangxi mark, your help would be appreciated.


Difficult to know what you have, but I would advise against buying it.
Firstly, all black items were relatively rare then. You are more likely getting a later item. And then, too much depends on factors like the hue of blue, white, etc. with monochrome items. And, without using a magnifier on the glaze, it may be difficult to tell if it is a newer glaze or not.


Hi Peter, last night I went to the local auction where they had 3 mirrored black vases being auctioned as a group, all three are 19th century but the one that is marked with a Kangxi mark looks older than the other two, these came from the same place as the hu form vases I posted, there was another hu form vase that I was hoping to get but it sold for $11,000. I did not have a chance, there was some other chinese objects, like bronze sculptures and unbelievable wood carvings that I have only seen at Christies, The Chinese buyers were out in force, the black vases was the only thing that I was able to get and they were not cheap, all three vase are good size 2 of them are 57.15 cm tall and the Kangxi vase is 44.45 cm tall, under a loop the kangxi vase has gold flakes in the pores. not seen with the necked eye and the bubbles seem to be sporadic from large to small, I did not look that closely at the other two because I was mainly interested in the one marked Kangxi, I will be picking them up on friday and will post one at a time, the Kangxi marked vase first, thank you for giving me a word of caution before I went to the auction.


Hi Peter, as you know I did purchase these vases, I paid $1100.00 for all three, looking at these vases, studying them, I feel I got a great deal, I have never seen vases like these and they came out of a well known collectors estate that passed away, I just wanted to let you know that you have given me the tools to make good decisions, I do know that they are at least 19th century and if they turn out to be older I am way ahead of the game, Thanks Much Stan.


Hi Stan,
The highly reflective glaze and the condition of the foot rim makes late Qing dynasty more likely.
Black Kangxi glazes are frequently dull, not sure about this type of glaze.


Hi Peter, I noticed the ones on Christies has a shiny glaze to and they are saying 18th century, not the one with the Kangxi mark but the other black glaze vase I was amazed to find one so close in size color, shape and the same double embossed ring.