Two eggshell porcelain vases purchased in China in the 1990's.

Started by gnushell, Aug 10, 2014, 05:43:48

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A friend who worked for many years in China sent these vases to me.  IIRC he had them come through a diplomatic pouch in the early 1990's.  Both came in Kangsi Handicrafts red boxes.  He did tell me to not let them go for cheap as they weren't touristy trinkets, but as you know...  Both have the same marks on the bottom.

I expect that they may be 20th century but I've not found any like these in my checking of marks and styles.  I've included quickly taken photos.  I'm looking for any info as to what these are.  I can provide better photos if needed.

Thanks in advance,



Any information is appreciated even if it's not positive.  Thanks to the community for looking.


This is a spurious Qianlong mark, the black out lines are printed and then colored in, I would say that this is mid to late 20th century.


Gnushell, It looks like there is a cyclical date. could you upload another photo of the characters on the left side, I can't read it but Peter or Shelly can.


First thank you to those who've responded.  I figured these were 20th century but had no idea.  I've enclosed photos for both of what I assume are the dates.  These are higher res photos.  Sorry about the others being lower res.


Not sure if the outlines are printed or handpainted. Those in the last images look handpainted. Perhaps you could upload closeups of faces, landscape and decoration at the bottom.
I have some difficulties reading the characters, but seems to be 1992...
There seems to be a female artisans name: Sufen 


Thank you, Peter.  I really appreciate your assistance.  I'm including bigger jpegs of the faces on the front and side.  Hopefully they will help.  Also because of the forum size restrictions I'm limited in the available resolution/size combinations.  If need be we can decide upon another photo medium.


Peter is right, the new photo's you posted look more hand drawn than printed, if you could also send a close up photo of the top that would be great, it almost looks like the top has a gold finish but I can't tell with the photos you have now.


Thanks again to all.  Yes, you are correct that both tops have gold.  I have a slightly overexposed photo of both vases which show better shadow detail.  Hope this helps.  I'm happy to provide any needed shots to help.


I would say the date that Peter reads is correct 1992, these just might be the nice antiques of the future.


Thanks Peter and Stan.  Your antiques of the future statement might explain my friend's comment upon giving them to me that they weren't pedestrian per se.