Qianjiang style saucer

Started by Adriano, May 27, 2022, 00:00:38

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I need help to date this piece.
I am not able to find any date written.
My impression, based on decoration, it could be around 1920.

Thank you.


I have problems durin uploading of files??


Hi Adriano, this should be resolved. Please note that the upload procedure after the upgrade appears to be different from the previous version.
When testing I had to upload the image first to get before using the POST button.

Sorry for the problem.


Please upload the images again. Thank you.




The signed name is 許達生 (Xu Da-sheng), the mark on the bottom appears to be 許禎祥室, his studio name. No date but the style is definitely early republic. He appears to have been active until 1922. So, this would be theoretically possible.

However, looking at some of his works showing people they were all in the classic late Qing style, not early republic.
Not sure what this means, but it could be that someone copied his works because he seems to have been well known. Not sure...


Thank you Peter, very useful information.
This is a good starting point for my investigation.


Hi Peter, I have found some works of Xu Da-sheng with ladies in early Republic style.
It seems that he was still working in that period.
Obviously famous painters were copied.


That is how painters learned in the Far East. First copying their master's works and then that of others. 
What I thought possible is that it might have been one of those, because of the studio mark. The latter may simply have been his workshop, perhaps with apprentices or other painters. It was also common that the master signed their works himself even if he did not do it personally. Difficult to know.
