Mark on Chinese Famille Rose teapot and cup

Started by Ronny, Feb 28, 2022, 02:18:54

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I have some Famille Rose dinnerware that I use.
A teapot, a few cups with saucer, bowls, plates etc.
My teapot is marked with a mark I do not know and a cup also.
Can anyone tell me what these two marks mean?
I think the famille rose dinnerware I have is mid 20th century.


Hi Ronny, I think these might be a little later, if they are mid century, there could be a hi lead content not to be used for food or drinking, but I think these are later, it looks like they are printed, that is the black out lines and and the rest hand painted, Im not sure what the marks mean, I could not find them in my book on marks, my guess is that they are from the 80's.


The teapot on picture one has the same mark as the cup on picture two.
I have two the same pieces of this teapot, this one is marked, the other teapot has no mark.
Last picture is a Chinese teacup, a gaiwan.
I read on the internet that Famille rose was not only made in China so is this made in China?
You can make a big study of Famille Rose, so many pieces where made.
I someone can help me with the marks, would be nice.


The mark with the two zhuanti characters is 廣彩 which simply means 'Guangzhou (aka Canton) enamels'.

The other:
? 東
The one with the question mark is illegible. The two on the bottom just mean "craft"...


Ok that is enough info for me.
Thanks so much, no further information is needed.

Greetings Ronny