Fukagawa Vase

Started by Stan, Nov 23, 2019, 02:36:19

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Hi Peter and all, here is a Japanese vase I just purchased, I believe the mark reads " Hi-cho-zan Fuka-Gawa-Tsukuru Made by Hichozan Fukagawa.
I found a mark on the side in one of the central panels that has the Samuri warriors, I believe  the mark is the artist signature, can you read the mark on the side of the vase,Thanks,  this vase dates around 1856 to 1875 and one like it was entered at the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition in 1876 and at the Paris Universalle Exposition in 1878, this vase is 40.64 cm tall


Here are three more Pictures.


Here are the last three pictures, thanks for looking, to me these is as good as it gets for Japanese porcelain.


Yes Stan, that is what the mark reads. I assume the other mark is the character(s) in the white area? The first seems to be character for 'right side' but not sure if there is another or if it is unclear. Many male personal names in the old times had that character, but there should be at least one other...


Hi Peter, thanks for answering, there are two marks but one of them is illegible, it was signed it gold and most of it has rubbed off, I found a pair in the Victoria Museum in Melbourne Australia, on theirs they are saying a Gilt mark on one of the Panels that has the Samurai warriors, the mark painted on the white ground, it dose not show the mark, I thought that when I first found the mark it meant right side but I can't make out the other mark. thanks for all your help, I guess we will never know unless I can get a better picture that can be read, I will see if that is possible.


Hi Peter, this is as good as I could get it, I used a Macro camera and light to high light the mark, I hope there is enough to read it, thanks again.


The enlarged picture makes even the first character doubtful.  It looked like ? , but there seems to be extra strokes. And the second looks like ? at first, but it could be something else. I consider this illegible.


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