Chinese Imari?

Started by haukech, Sep 23, 2019, 23:01:39

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Dear All ,
Recently the chance to adquire some export Imari but some of them seem odd to me due to the footrim. It somehow makes me think of 19c.
Is Imari limited to 18c or can it also be later?
First, bigger plate, more heavy body, similar to base from French manufacturers.
Size 25cm wide, 3cm high.
I will post the other smaller plates in a continuation.


This is the second item. Looks more like chinese but still some doubts.
Plate, approx. 22cm wide, 2 cm high


And the third one, this checks the boxes for me even if the painter was not so dedicated to detail. Body has the usual fiting threats on the back snd rim seems ok for Qianlong?


The large majority of Chinese Imari should be from the late Kangxi reign, although occasionally there is a later one. Do the first and third plate have an incline on the foot rim (not matter whether glazed or not)?
The decoration of all is right for the three-reigns-period, but I would still think that a straight foot rim means it could be Jiaqing or later.


Dear Peterp,
Thanks for your comments, you are as always most knowledgeable.
I have been comparing the bottom rim with other plates. In regards to #3, small inclination from the bottom to the upper part of the rim (inside), outside there is also the inclination as can be seen from the pictures. I have 2 similar plates, the first is a typical 18c blue and white export, and the second is the one we discussed recently. I will update with the entry. Here we had some doubts about later period.
For the #1 plate, the bigger one, inside the inclination from the bottom to upper rim is much less, thus i think as you say that it could be later, jiaqing sounds reassonable. The rim is much sharper if i may say.
All 3 plates have the protective brownish enamel on the outer superior border.


The slanted face needs to be on the outside of the foot rim. Whether the rim is glazed or not is not important. Some rims are slanted both inside and outside.  The angle of the inclination does not seem to matter. With later items the rim is clearly straight up, both on the inside and outside. This is not usable with Dehua kiln wares.

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