Chinese Vase

Started by susie, Jan 17, 2019, 14:08:08

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Hi I am new to the discussion board, but I'm hoping you may be able to provide some information about this Chinese Vase that was gifted from a friend in Singapore more than 55 years ago.  The vase stands 24cm tall, 24cm round and  6cm across the neck.
Thank you


Hi Susie, are you sure about the date? it looks later to me, this would be a bottle vase with an apocryphal Qianlong mark, I would think this to be from the 80's or later.


Hi Stan

Thank you for your reply.
Yes, the vase was a gift to my Mother in 1963 from a Chinese friend, Mum was living in Singapore at the time.  She has said that her friend was given the vase to pay a debt and Mum has kept it in her glass cabinet all these years.


This vase looks me in the Qianjiang style, but not of the period: the Arabic number and the bottom shape take to the second half of the 20th century, I think.
Probably the vase was new when gifted in the early 1960?.

Best Regards.


Thats great Susie, provenance is important especially of you have documentation for proof.


Hi Stan

Thank you for your quick reply, I have a contact number for the gentleman in Singapore who gifted the vase, although I'm not sure his memory will be that good after all this time.  I'll contact him and see what he remembers of the vase.
Thanks again for the quick response, this a great discussion board, very informative.



Hi Adriano

Thank you for your response, I'll look into some more history about the vase and certainly post the outcome.

Thanks again



Second half of 20th century, definitely.

To Adriano - Qianjiang has lighter colors. The older Qianjiang are often very faint due to the composition of the paint. This is more like what is called "new colors" in China, a successor that started to appear at the beginning of the 20th century and slowly started to replace Qianjiang. The color has a different base. Both use the style of classical paintings.


Many thanks to Peter for clarifying the style.