Recently acquired vase

Started by Stephanie, Jun 05, 2014, 03:44:20

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This is probably a remedial post for many of the users. I am not familiar with Chinese ceramics. I have recently acquired a vase that belonged to my husband's late aunt that used to run an antique/knick-knack store. I liked the colors and thought it would make a beautiful piece for the dining room, but first want to make sure it isn't anything I should be storing more carefully!

It is my gut that this vase was more modern; I cannot translate the characters on the base (rough around the edges, like the information indicates was kiln-fired). It appears hand-painted and etched due to the inconsistency on the rectangular border near the base.

Anything you could inform me regarding this vase would be very much appreciated!


I would suggest you search "watersilkdragon" for a similar item/mark. The mark itself is stamped Yongzheng four character mark, a first for me, and a late 19th/20th century CHINA mark: apocryphal
Probably sometimes in the second half of the 20th century.


Hello I have two vases that were a gift in 1948 that have the Qinglong script Mark yet the stamp China in red that is coming off? Any thoughts

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