Song dynasty plates?

Started by Kroon81, Oct 23, 2017, 17:24:49

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Hi there,

I've been busy building a network in Indonesia lately and so far I haven't really come across anything interesting or authentic.. Private collectors and antiquarians send me pictures of what they want to sell and usually I can identify most of them from the information available on this site and through other information that's available online.

Today I got some  pictures from a private collector claiming to have small song dynasty plates for sale. 10.5 cm in diameter. I remembered that in the additional board there's a pdf file about Song dynasty ceramics so I downloaded it. After going through the information in the pdf I really don't know what to think of it. It looks like the real deal but I can't find the waved edges of the plates that he wants to sell me anywhere..

Could you please provide me information and advise?

Thank you very much for your help.


One more picture of the plates


One plate has a decoration pattern I would expect on bronze items, but not porcelain. The glaze and everything does not quite look like Song or even Chinese origin. I would be careful, a lot of fakes of low quality are apparently made in that country, and they often try to imitate Yuan or Song celadon wares.

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