Republic Vase?

Started by bokaba, Jul 02, 2017, 00:01:33

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I was wondering if this vase is Republic period? The decoration looks Republic to me, but there is very little wear and I am not sure if the overglaze blue Yongzheng mark is acceptable for the period. Might be a little later in my opinion. The vase is about 8 inches tall.

Thank you



This mark would have been used in the Imperial kilns during the Yongzheng period and through out the 19th century but can still be found on modern copies, I do not see any age signs which leads me to believe this is a later 20th century copy which is still being copied today, the writing and decoration look much to crisp to be very old in my opinion.


Thanks Stan. I think the prunus looks fairly good, but the calligraphy looks very new. The overglaze mark also looks too bright blue to me.



Hi bokaba, I have seen marks just like yours at the high auction that say they are early republic but the writing looked older.


Here is an early republic plate with the same mark at Christies past auctions. it is under " A FAMILLE ROSE DISH "  sorry I tried to post the web site but it dose not show an address for it on my computer, I think my computer might be obsolete and limited to what I can do, hope you find it, it has the same blue mark and similar decoration.


Could you post the web address Stan. Thanks.



This is a modern fake, in my view.
The mark ???? is an imperial Yongzheng mark. Note I did not say official mark or official kiln mark, or reign mark. The third character  means it would have been made specifically for, or on behalf of, the Yongzheng emperor. This said, looking next at the writing I'm afraid this kind of writing could hardly have been made at an imperial kiln. Its calligraphy is should at the least be written in the specific character type that was in order even in private kilns in the early to mid-Qing dynasty. In addition to this, some characters do not correspond to the writing style of the time.
The first and last characters seem to be the same character ?. There writing style differs so much just in a short piece of writing...a no-no for a calligrapher.


Thanks Peter, for sound wisdom, Bokaba I hope this is the e-mail address,