Is this a Republic Period Vase?

Started by gothamcity, Mar 28, 2017, 22:13:54

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Hoping I didn't double post this...

It's got a strange iron red Qianlong mark. Not a typical Imperial mark (I don't think) and possibly too many variations for it to be without question.

Also, it's rather small. Just shy of 10".

My images are too large. Hi-res gallery (well iphone hi-res) here:



For me, it looks something more of a cultural revolution type of vase probably from the late 60's to early 70's... That type of enamel painting is more of that period than republic but thats just me saying...


I agree with Heavenguy, it looks like they did not know how to write a Qianlong mark and botched it up also the foot rim is a later foot rim, also on vases like this you would expect to find writing on the side, I would stay away from vases like this my self.