Help With Age Of Hunting Scene Vase

Started by kardinalisimo, Apr 29, 2014, 10:40:24

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Thanks in advance!


This is recently made, the rust spots are to many they were put there to give the appearance of age, in my opinion.


Hi, Stan. Thanks for your reply. I forgot to mention that that walls of  the vase are quite thinn, if that matters at all. The rust spots were also what I was worried about. They are not crazy many but not just a few either. What is the normal amount of rust in relation to the age and the size of the vessel? Does not it also depend on the quality of the material used and the firing process? I would think Imperial pieces were made with more care and better kaolin so they would have less flaws with the time than the non Imperial ones.
There is something I don't understand. If you decide to fake age, why would you put so many rust spots when even the actual antique ones are  not supposed to have them? Maybe so people can tell it is fake?
When you say recent, how can you tall a fake piece was made not long time ago? Is this a new practice or the Chinese faked their own porcelain ware hundred years ago?


The shape also dose not look right, that is just my opinion I could be wrong lets see what peter says about it.


As Stan mentioned, this is not a standard shape. Difficult to tell how old it is, but the colors used in the decoration or from the post-Qing era. So, republic or later. Could also be that the vase body is old, while all or part of the decoration was added much later. For example, the Qilin looks quite acceptable to me, but I have doubts about the age of warrior decoration.


Thanks, Peter
Make sense to use old body and newer decoration but how is it possible some of the decoration to have been there and only part of it to be added later? Like, if the creature was there originally but the worrier was not ,it would have looked kind of incomplete. Is it possible that different parts were painted by different people?

By the way, any idea how do they fake the rust spots? Do they paint them on the bisque or on the glaze and put another clear glaze on the top?  Or mix the paint with the glaze paste? There is one big round spot that looks weird even for being a fake rust, especially with that border. Any idea what is it?
There is a chipped piece on the lips. Don't know if the inside of the porcelain can tell something about the age?