A set of export China gravy bowls

Started by heavenguy, Mar 25, 2017, 11:11:33

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If I'm not mistaken,

This is a set of Gravy bowls. They have initials, but I have a hard time reading that type of calligraphy. Does it say "JAB"??? Lol. Also I know that most of them were done in the 19th century... Well any information will be highly appreciate it.



Armorial porcelain. The foot rim shape means they are more likely from the late Qing dynasty, or 19th rather than 18th century.  Items like this were manufactured as a sort of template, ready with the shield for the crest. The initials family crest or initials were then added inside the shield when an order came. A low temperature firing would suffice to finish this.


Thank you Peterp. This is the first time I found one of this.


Be careful, since the Chinese noticed that armorial porcelain brings good prices a number of years ago, suddenly fakes started appearing on the market. They will copy anything that brings a profit... but you know that. :-)


Thank you Peterp, I'm not 100% sure about half of the stuff I have or collect. I guess that buying fakes it's part of the process and probably the only way to kind of start understanding about Chinese porcelain. Handling fakes makes you see real pieces differently. I live in a city where there is no one with training on Chinese antiques and art so I have to rely mostly on the internet websites, books and this forum.

I thank you for the really good work you do in here. Without your help I think I'll be completely lost. Your e-book was a very nice introduction to this amazing world of Chinese porcelain and orientals.

So Kudos to you sir!!!