BW bowls or cups

Started by heavenguy, Jun 07, 2016, 07:40:02

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My first question is, do you think that all of this items fell in the early 19th century and half 19th century era???


All is based on pictures showing shape and decoration only.
The censer and narcissus bowl should be further inspected, as the blue pigment seems to be slightly different. Also the bottom would be helpful...


I took the pictures of the bigger pieces. they have a flatter foot rim. Is there like a difference between periods on the foot rims. Usually when I see late qing foot rims they are more flat or shorter than early 19 century or later.


Perhaps a bit later, but still second half of 19th century, I would say.

That is a censer.


Thank you very much!! I appreciate all the help you have provided.

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