Which period? ming style blue and white plate

Started by markusr, Apr 10, 2014, 20:15:50

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Can anyone tell me from what period this "Xuande" marked dragon plate could be? The flower motifs seem to be after Ming dynasty examples but I haven't been able to see a similar dragon motif on an authentic Xuande piece, so I was wondering if anyone knows from which period this type of design originates?


The rim decoration cannot be earlier than Qing dynasty, but after seeing the bottom I'm afraid this could be a 20th century item. The foot rim is not correct for the Qing dynasty either. And, I have doubts that there existed such a bottom decoration.


Thanks peter! Is the shape of the bottom wrong for a Qing dynasty piece or is it the color of the rim?


It's the foot rim itself, and the fact that the bottm is painted.


One more question: what is the part of the rim decoration that means that the Qing dynasty is the earliest possible period? I'm just trying to learn how to read these signs!

And yes, the double base rim and base decoration does seem very unusual.

Thanks again for your help!

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