Small Flambe Vaze

Started by kardinalisimo, Dec 05, 2015, 11:52:52

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Just 3 5/8" tall.
Don't know if it could be Japanese or Asian at all but I have a lot of doubts that it could be Chinese.  The shape, the glazed footrim and base.. Not quite right.
What do you think?


Hi kardinalisimo, I have never seen a Japanese glaze like this before but the foot rim looks similar to Japanese vases that I have, I agree, the shape is unusual for Chinese, I would lean towards a Japanese vase my self.


Thanks for the reply Stan.
Have you seen Japanese pieces with fully glazed base and foot ring?
Seems like there was some kind of firing support that left those marks on the ring.


Yes, I have several Awaji pieces that look exactly the same, completely glazed foot and the stilt marks on the bottom foot and spaced the same way.

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