Blue White Bowl

Started by Andy Dorset, Nov 30, 2015, 00:28:37

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Andy Dorset

Hi Peter,
Heres another bowl which I found this Summer at a Boot Sale. I am not convinced it is Chinese as I am sure I have seen a similar bowl at some point that was described as Korean. Though I may be mistaken. It is 7 inches in diameter and 3 1/2 inches tall. There seems to be symbols within the decoration on the outer bowl. If you could give me your opinion on its age and origin I would be very interested to hear.
Thanks in advance for your time and expertise in advance,


Ming dynasty blue and white. Looks as if it could be early Ming.

Andy Dorset

Hi Peter, I was thinking ( hoping more) that perhaps it was Ming period so that's great news. It's not every day you can pick up something as old for ?2 so I am relatively happy.
Many thanks Peter, will post some more in a couple of weeks.


Hi Andy, try researching your bowl a bit more on "koh antique" site. It's very informative and some parts of the site are accessible for free whilst full access is available for a modest fee depending how much research you want to do. Regards Gerry

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