Blue and White perfume warmer with seal script on bottom

Started by amber_chey, Jul 26, 2015, 22:45:59

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This seems to resemble some perfume warmers I have found but Im uncertain if that is what it is.  The seal mark is under the glaze and I only recognize the "period time" character.  It appears the first character could be one indicating the Qianlong mark but with them not being in following order of one another I am now confused.  Also the artwork designs arent matching up with anything that I have found.  Im torn and beyond frustrated. I have searched and searched and only came so close.  My thought is it is a fake but I would still like to put the puzzle together of the around about time this wouldve been an original in. Any opinions are welcomed and very appreciated.  Im sorry the picture quality on the seal is so poor, if requested I will try and get a more clear image. 


Well I cant seem to get my picture to upload.  Let me try and get this up on here.


Well failed attempt again, not sure why it wont upload any pictures.

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