Famille Rose Bowl

Started by Mat, Nov 24, 2015, 05:04:12

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Hi, I have this little bowl (diameter is 12.5 cm) for some time and am not sure wether it is old or not. The mark and the style would date it somewhere into the first half of the 19th century, I think? But is it right for that period? Also I would like to understand the meaning of the figural scene... Thank you for any help! Mat


Just one more detail...


The painted decoration would make it about Daoguang to Tongzhi reign, I think. The inside of the foot rim is a bit unusual, though, for that period. Could be Canton ware.


Thank you Peter for that information! Do you have any idea what the scene depicts? It seems to be an altar, but what are these things that look like tusks? And why do the two children have these empty faces?
Thank you again!


Ok, I think the two children are looking towards the altar, so that is why their faces are not visible, but the tusks (?) remain a mystery...


Difficult to know what this depicts.


You are right, it is difficult, my best guess so far is that it is some Taoist ritual. If I find out something about it I will post it here.