3 size blue and white planter pot

Started by Thefinder, Jul 07, 2015, 10:25:11

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Hi guys here's me again. loll I bought this 3 different sizes planter pots at the same woman as the fish bowl and the 3 plates. The middle part, exept, for the flowers between the ) ( look like hand painted. The diff?rences between  them, they have no rust spots, except, maybe 1 or 2 where there's no glaze. The woman bought all of it at the same time by the same import/export agent. That's why i'm curious for the ones who got rust spots on it. Sorry if i'm anowing with my questions. ()


Sorry! I put the same picture twice.


The outlines on these look like they are printed and then the filler hand painted, the quality looks better on these than the last pieces that you posted, still 20th century, could you take a picture of the bottom on one of them so we can determine what part of the 20th century, thanks.