Unknown mark.

Started by melofrei01, Sep 12, 2014, 03:57:09

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I have a pair of blue and white plates with this mark.

I have been looking through books and sites trying to identify it, but I have found nothing.

Could somebody please help me.


Kangxi wares are inscribed with marks of commendation. . One of the Eight Precious Symbols.
China, 1680?1722
Of Which this plate seems to have.
More pictures would help to determine age.


It is a Lozenge mark, that is all it says in my book of marks




I Calder, Im impressed but the Lozenge mark represents victory and one of the Daoist " Eight Precious Objects" being the jewel, coin (cash). open lozenge . solid lozenge musical stone, pair of books, pair of horns and the artemisia leaf


Thank you for all your help.

Size of plates: 21.7 cm diameter



These photo's are very low quality, I really do not think anyone could make a good call with these photo's, all we can really do is Judge by the decoration and shape, so I think Peter is the one to respond, the foot look like it could be early 19th century but not sure with this photo.


This is nothing traditional Chinese I recognize. Either it is more recent or not Chinese at all, in my view. Anyone can imitate a mark, the same way as the Chinese use(d) marks from earlier times.