Chinese figurine - origin? Purpose?

Started by JjGhandi, Apr 29, 2020, 19:26:51

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Hello everyone,

A friend of mine came across this sculpture.
He doesn't know anything about it, nor do I.

What is the purpose of this item? Looks like a water container for plants.

Would this be a genuine antique?
The paint drops on the bottom looks like it's been cheaply painted though.

What do you guys think?

Thanks in advance,



More pics




Perhaps some immortal or deity?
The figurine appears to have been exposed to the elements for a long time, thus the state of the wood. Somebody appears to have tried to make it look better with some paint, that is all.



Neither, it's earthware

Any ideas on the age or provenance?


I believe the Chinese call their earthenware stoneware and the Japanese call it earthenware.


Hi Stan,
Good eye regarding the material. I could have bet it is wood, mainly because I have seen and also own a figure of wood that looks eroded like that. Traditional Chinese houses and especially temples are more or less open, with doors being not tight, that is why things can be exposed to the elements.

BTW, as to the term 'earthenware', I placed a new post in the board Additional Info regarding this.


Thanks Peter, that is very helpful, knowing the correct terminology between the two, Earthenware and Stoneware.


Thanks for the insight Stan & Peter!
I guess the age of the object is hard to determine.