Unussual porcelain mark

Started by 2fat2slow, May 08, 2018, 17:35:21

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Hi all,

Anyone will be kind enough to read this mark please..? I am assuming should be in a ~republic period range or later?

Kind regards


This is not a way to identify or date Chinese porcelain. Using a mark is futile. Read the marks section on the main site for the reason. Marks are not a shortcut to dating.
The mark is a cyclical year in the Daoguang reign.


Hi Peter,

maybe I was not clear enough when composing my post here.

My intentions was not get advise on "when porcelain object been made" - I am seekind help when translating 6 characters and when possible this mark been used in a past.

Well you answered to one question - it's Daoguang sopme sort mark.

You mentioned Daoguang reign - Daoguang reign marks a little bit different and I am assuming that there is something else mentioned in this mark apart " Daoguang reign" - would be great if you or someone else would be able to read these characters as it is.

EDITED: mark should be>>"Made for the Hall of Consistency of Conduct" - which year is mentioned in a mark? :)

Kind regards


Hello 2 Fat
To be very fair to Peter he gave you an idea of the translation of mark which was spuriously given without the whole piece. Top bottom, side, angled, in view. With total respect, you then mentioned the "Daoguang reign", mark that Peter mentioned as if that was the starting point for evaluating the piece. Of course, that is the last place to start to engage with anything that we are interested here. You must post a full resume of the piece so it can be evaluated properly. There are some very fine appraiser types here. If you word and picture your objects correctly you will find them a veritable fountain of information. Best best wishes I really mean it as I'm sure you do too. Good luck to you......... D


I think approach to view object can be done with better manners.

Few days ago, I probably would be considering to post "rest of it" here, but after kind off approach - "you will have to show all of it" or "you will get nothing"..

Some work done on my own when reading mark - not very easy job to do when there is no ability to read Chinese character in real life , but still, a little bit of effort and here you go:

Heavenly Stem+ Earthly Branch  ?? (Bingwu) would be 1846, Daoguang - rest for 4 characters will be not an issue I think, to get an idea what does mark says.

P.S. extraordinary looking and perfectly made porcelain object if you ask me.

Thank you for your help & all the best to everyone.


Hi 2Fat2slow, I know that all you wanted was the mark's meaning and then Im sure you thought you could do your own research as to authenticating or not, all that was stated was facts, this is a fact base site, sometimes it is discouraging to find out that a piece you have is not what was represented as such, and marks can not be authenticated alone, that is a fact, it wasn't meant to insult, just simply a fact, however we appreciate your posting, we hope to learn a little more each time someone post, and with posting just a mark doesn't really benefit anyone, that is for learning, we look forward to you posting other items of interest, thanks for posting.


Wow Stan your so nice.  xxxx2slow excuse me I mean 2fat2slow these guys are awesome and trust me nobody said anything to be rude or negitive.  They help us less knowledgeable with our oriental treasures.  They don't get paid for answering us( I think) but they should.  So be greatful you get an answer at all. 
( very proud of myself) I could of said differently but I don't want to get banned
I really tried so hard not to comment.  I am italian that is my excuse ????????????????????????



Please cease to discuss this post. We want the forum to remain peaceful.
Everybody is entitled to their views. We do not wish to get into farther exchanges regarding this.
This forum information is mainly provided for identification of antiques. The translation of texts or marks is not really essential for that. We continue with identification help of antique objects as usual.