Qianlong plate

Started by Iryseea, Oct 29, 2016, 23:46:04

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I have recently come across a plate and have deciphered the stamp as Qianlong. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about these type of plates or if it looks fairly genuine.


Front plate image: postimg.org/image/6sg6whz1p/
Back marking: postimg.org/image/kuq7s7e6d/


Here is a picture of the base of the plate. The plate is still quite dirty/dusty in these pictures as i did not have time to clean it off yet sorry.


This looks more Japanese than Chinese. 4 character reign marks are usually from GUANGXU Qing dynasty or republic period. But this plate looks very modern to me. In my opinion this is probably late 20th century.


Iryseea. Your plate is supposed to be an antique Chinese Imari. You tell us the wrong things about it. You have the Chinese Imari, Qianlong mark and the plate in your hands to guide your investigation.


Probably new.  Has Qianlong ever been written on the left side as opposed to the right side of the seal?


no this is most likely a mistake, now it says Nian Zhi Qianlong, but its supposed to be Qianlong Nian Zhi ( translates to: qianlong period make). 4 character qianlong marks are often used on porcelain after the qianlong period out of honor for example. for those who don't know.


This does not look Chinese or Japanese, the glaze looks more like a tin glaze, possibly European, note the mark is off centered and the foot rim is not right for Qianlong period.


I also have doubts that both speak against a Chinese or Japanese item.
The decoration appears like modern Chinese trying to appear to be Japanese. The imitation of Japanese styles is not convincing, however, especially the rim decoration. There is a Chinese stamped four character Qianlong mark. That is 20th century. The order of the characters would not be this way (left to right) on really old Porcelain; it would be top down, right to left.
I would think it possible that Japanese porcelain may have been made this way for export to the west, but would they have used this mark?