Chinese or Japanese Vase

Started by MarjadeVries, Oct 13, 2020, 02:59:26

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Lovely vase; manufactured by Samson; a french company; they copied many items both chinese and european.  sometime marked and somtime unmarked. if you search on the net Samson armorial jar / vase you can find similar items.


Is it Samson? I have seen some of their items and once almost bought one online. It was such a close copy of a similar Chinese design that only the bottom gave it away as not being Chinese. The company is mentioned in an article on the main site (


yes. in 18th century they mostly inspired by or directly copied Meissen, sevres, worcester porcelain. The quality of their items was incredibly high almost as good as original ones. In the 19th century they copied mostly oriental pieces, not only chinese but also italian, hispanic Moresque ceramic.

so i think this vase is from the late 19th century or early 20th

the fox could be a fantasy arms of coat; possible for austalian market

here a much better quality piece sold by christies and one by bonhams


thanks for the answers, so it is probably a samson vase?

Coincidentally I also have a ginger jar from Samson, which is signed, I just don't know how old or this jar is,
someone happens to have an idea ??


I think it's a ginger jar, but don't know for sure


Yessss! the vase is Samsom , i foud a simular pattern on the net , thank you Rec !!



you're most welcome.
the mark on the second one is used between 1941-1957.
