three Japanese vases famille noir,qianlong...and brass copper?

Started by faeded, Jul 14, 2018, 23:55:35

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i recently inherited these vases.
a week ago i knew nothing about this topic .
today i feel i have come a long way but still do not feel i have successfully identified the probable date of make and type of these vases
the noir vase has an interesting mark on bottom...i believe  is Japanese...export or family signature?

the next vase is interesting but i need some help on this.

and the third i have no  idea and has no markings

pleas help me.
i have learned so much from ths site.


these pics are better


Hi Faeded, if you don't mind posting one item at a time, per Subject, it gets confusing sometimes, especially when you have Japanese and Chinese, the vase with the ship is Japanese and the decoration is called Black Ship, if authentic this would be early 1800's but this is a reproduction, the mark on the bottom would suggest Chinese But the shape and decoration is Japanese and the foot is modern,
The black ground vase " Famille Noir " is Chinese and I believe it to be 20th century 3rd quarter, I am not sure about the mark, it looks like it could be Japanese but the decoration is Chinese, I am not sure about the metal vase.


Could you please explain about the foot being modern?
I know about looking for the iron red. Coming through..also about grit and smoothness of there more?the shape or configuration?Thankyou by the way,,,,you are a wealth if knowledge


Hi Faeded, on the bottom can you see how the bottom meets up to the foot, this is a modern foot, look at traditional antique bottoms and you will see what I mean, also it looks like the Qianlong mark is on top of the glaze, It was probably added at a later time, to fool someone thinking it is Chinese.


I have uploaded to dropbox some better pics of the foot and feet of other vases..I am having a hard time seeing what you mean by the foot and bottom.
I look at 18th plates and they look similar.I have not. Seen much of 18th c vases.
I'm trying my best thanks



I did look at the Mari..and the sheen. Of the glaze glosses over the Mari in a uniform also looks like a large amount of glaze was applied to the bottom

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