Qianjiang bowl painted by Zhou zi shan?

Started by Alexis, Nov 08, 2015, 02:06:48

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Dear all,
I bought this bowl recently. Would you know what is written please? Is it rare or not at all? I think the last 4 characters mean "made by Zhou zi shan" (???). Could you recommend me a book about qianjiang artists in english?
Thank you for your help!


1886 or 1946 or 2006 is the cyclical year given.
The painting style could not be the first one, in my view, but you better upload better pictures pf the painting itself, the foot rim, and interior.
Written age is not necessarily genuine.
The lid should be painted too, if it is still existing.

Never saw an English book.


Dear Peterp,
Thank you for your answer. I have loaded more pictures.
Best regards,


Zhou Zi-shan seems to be a well known Qianjiang painter (from Guangdong).
If this item is his or an imitation is difficult to tell. He seems to have painted birds, among other. An authentication would require a comparison of his writing style and seal marks and those on your item. If you do an image search using the Chinese characters you input, you will find many items attributed to him.
If you do an image search using the Chinese name you entered you will find pictures of his work. You will need to identify a genuine one to make sure, but generally said, qianjiang items has less fakes than other types of porcelain.


Thank you very much Peter! I will make that search work.
Best regards,