Modern Chinese?

Started by drmonika, Jun 21, 2024, 23:19:11

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I was wandering if anyone has an idea if this is modern Chinese, or something completely different (ie from another country).

There are no markings underneath, it measures 130mm x 290mm

As always, thank you so much  x



The decoration looks printed to me and hand painted, I would say this is modern, a picture of the bottom is needed to  be sure.


I'm afraid it is modern, indeed. The painting would be a lighter red (orange-red) which we call 'coral red' if if it was original from the Qing dynasty.
I must say that the fine crackling does not look natural but artificially induced. The antique ones have no crackles, usually.


Thank you to you both x

I was mainly wondering if it came from China.  Two different people from the antique shop told me two different things, one person said it came from Portugal, the other said modern from China.  To me it looks Chinese due to the border.  I believe it to be modern.  I am going to go purchase it today

thank you again

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