Blue & white rectangle seal box with lid? (beginners first item)

Started by shofner303, Aug 22, 2014, 07:32:16

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I frequent thrift stores and have some experience in metals and glassware. Just recently I've been trying to expand my knowledge into the world of ceramics, in particular Chinese porcelain. This is my first attempt at acquiring a piece, it was $2 from a chain type thrift store so I unfortunately don't have any background on it.

I bought it because I saw a few characteristics that I remembered from this websites "Age signs of porcelain" page. Including possible rust spots, glaze contractions, firing faults and warping. I did my best to show these in the pic's.

I did find two similar boxes. One claiming to be from the Qing dynasty...

and another from the Ming dynasty...

Its been fun researching the box but in the end I've been guessing at everything. I really have no idea if its a modern reproduction or a real antique. Much thanks for any input!



Inside of box and another up-close of glaze plus rust spot?


Looks transfer printed to me. That means it is more recently made.