Song Dish with fish- Flea market find

Started by smak, Mar 09, 2022, 22:06:04

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Hi All,

I bought this dish for $40 USD, let me know what you think!

Looks to be Song Style but I'm terrible to identifying its age.




I'm thinking its more modern now that I look at the foot of the rim.


This is a copy of a Longquan Kiln Zhejiang 14th century, the foot rim is wrong, yours looks like it is straight up on the outside, it should be slanted, and the rim is not quit right, and the crackle on yours is small and consistent all over, on the period ones the crackle wouldn't be consistent but larger and differing in size and some with no crackle at all, the color might be questionable to.


Hi Stan,

Thanks for the details! I figured it was only $40 so why not take the risk! Its a 15" dish so I thought it was a good deal for $40.

When do you think this was made?



In the last 30 years, I would think. This was intended to fake Longquan celadon as Stan already mentioned.
There are several problems.
The celadon color is none of the real Longquan colors, and it has too much gloss. The foot rim generally is orange-reddish because the glaze was wiped off before firing, with a wet cloth containing iron.
Three fish decoration--did it ever exist? Not sure.
Normally it would be one, later two facing in the same direction. Still later two facing in opposite direction. The carved interior decoration looks modern to me.


I see! Thanks guys! I'll just use this as a display!


Hi Peter, I thought the same thing, I could only find examples of the fish decoration with two or four fish never three.