Chinese porcelain characters identification

Started by raketuke12, Jan 01, 2021, 16:26:39

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Hi guys,

Happy New Year!

anyone will assist will translation on Chinese porcelain characters? :) I have a small saucer plate, looks like that's Chinese, I found similarities on a wed - maybe it' Japanese, not sure thought..

Kind regards



Hi Peter,

I think mark is Zoshuntei Sampo Zo. It's hand painted for sure, not print :)

Thank you


Yes, the marks character can indeed be transcribed that way. I would suggest to wait for Stan, because he is more familiar with Japanese porcelain and knows the exact readings of many marks.
He will also be able to tell for sure if it is printed or not. I understand that the original is hand-painted, but with transfer printing the original brush strokes are transferred to. I'm concerned with the almost uniform color depth and darkness of blue, but let us wait for him to comment.


This is indeed Zoshuntei, the Characters read Zo-shun-tei San Ho Tsukuru or Zo last Character, it is my understanding that marks like this would date to the first quarter of the 19th century, the photo's are fuzzy, I can see why Peter would think printed, could you show us a picture of the decoration on the front, it needs to be clear and close up so we can see the stroke and overlapping of the brush marks and a picture of the bottom foot at a 45 degree angle, this would be made in Arita, with a sometsuke decoration, this if authentic would be called Arita Imari.