Guangxu vase

Started by Stan, Dec 31, 2013, 08:56:58

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Hi Peter, I posted pictures on photo, you can view it at " " I tried to post on your new site but my with my camera the smallest setting is 1mp, and it is not compatible with Mac computers all I see on your site is ? in side of a box, I can not see pictures, This vase is amazing the detail is very nicely done, with a 10x loop it is all had painted, the vase is 15-3/8" tall and  9-1/4 wide it has an iron red painted foo bats and is in tradition for that period, the bottom of the vase has a slight flair to it and that is typical from that period, please let me know what you think, thanks from Stan. p.s I will try to figure out why I can not view items on your new site,


Hi Stan,

When in Photobucket you need to open the album or picture and select the link to the picture(s) on the right side of the page. What you supplied is  a link to your account, which you can access only via password sign-in, but it is not possible to view the pictures this way.



A Happy New Year, Stan

I'm afraid you misunderstand.
First, you use, but there should be a period like here:
But that is not the problem, with Photobucket I can correct this, but I still get only to the door of your account. That is locked to all except the owner, and accessible only by password. Others won't be able to see the pictures inside. Only the closed door of your account, so to say.

To make pictures available you need to copy the full link to the image, which looks like this with an image in my account:

If you remove the last part, the file name jar1_zps3da34ed9.jpg from this you can get to the album if there is one. Otherwise you may need to add the link for each picture.

The place to copy the link is called "Links to share this photo", and it is on the right side of the screen.

Please let me know if this is still unclear.



Hi Peter, and everyone else, but I think I figured it out here is the link to view pictures of the vase, " " please let me know if successful thanks.


Hi Stan,
Yes, it worked out this time.

The vase ...with what is called a "hundred bat" or "cloud and bat" motif in Chinese;red Guangxu mark. The colored things represent clouds. The decoration band along the base consist of stylized lotus petals. The vase is decorated in the fencai style. I cannot say that I'm an expert for this type of ware, simply because the genuine ones are difficult to find or see.

Anyway, yours looks old. The white glaze looks a bit  white and without major age signs, in these pictures. But I consider this normal for vases of this kind. The decoration itself shows good usage traces.
This sort of vase is frequently found in the catalogs of Chinese auction houses, and yours looks perfectly like those.
Did you get that at auction? If yes, you probably had to pay a fair price for it.
In my view this is Guangxu reign, mark and period.



Thank you for your evaluation, I bought this from an antique dealer, who buys estates, through the years I have bought several items from him, and your right it was not cheap, but a good price, he deals mainly in furiture and not Chinese antique porcelain, I thought to that it was antique, thanks again.from Stan.