Republic vase, unknown mark.

Started by Pablo82, Jun 17, 2019, 06:09:34

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Hi Peter and all,
Here my last purchase, I'm pretty sure about the period but can't decode the mark. I'd appreciate a lot your help. Thank you!


The bottom mark means Studio of respect for the Ancient, a studio name of painter Cheng Yiting, This if authentic would date to 1895 to 1948 and member of the eight friends, he is also one of the most faked Painters, I have several with the same mark, you should have it looked at by someone specializing in early and republic porcelain that is familiar with the his painting and writing.


Thank you Stan! I don't know any expert out of Peter and you, maybe I should try to enquire at a auction house.
I hope in the authentucity because the quality of painting is very high, I would be superhappy to own a vase of one of the mythical eight friends of Zhushan!


The authentic ones are very expensive, I have my doubts about this one, it is to perfect, the black writing is to black with no fading at all, you can send pictures of the writing to a top auction house, they have experts that can tell you if they think it is real.


The writing style needs to be put into the equation too. If it is not identical with that of known originals then it is a copy, but as Stan already said, a genuine is very expensive and very hard to find.


Thank you Peter and Stan. I'll try to ask and if I'll receive good news, I'll post them.