ID age of this vase have a marble on the bottom

Started by manny, Jul 01, 2014, 03:54:33

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well I know someone will say that, it happen to be you again (who said before, if you don't know what you have, then it's fake) remember this ? have a look, I think  it's new, made just like week . ha ha ha
It's that how you give your opinion ? Not by the peace itself, but by who own it, why you don't know what you have, where you get it and so on and on if that is the case keep your opinion to yourself . anyway I just post it to show you what I have and I believe you don't . have a good day.


Hi Manny, where are you coming up with this stuff, you say I said, I never said, if you don't know what it is then its a fake, I never said that, so lets be clear about that, you also mention several other lies that you claim that others said, I think you might have a communication problem, use the site to learn, like everyone else, if your not happy about the information you are getting then I am sure there are others out there that are selling fakes that will say yours is authentic. but not here.


Well you just have to look at your previous comment they are still here, see the one about this vase, then only then call me a lier .
Anyway like I said I just showed you what I have, that you wish you had, even if you think they are  fakes .


Manny you misunderstand me, what I said is 99% is fake, that is a fact, so chances are it is, the 1% is the vase found in the attic, the other you mentioned, no one is trying to take advantage of you, I am learning and so if I said something thats wrong, I apologize, I do make mistakes, but believe me when I do peter or someone else is quick to correct me, I do however have been collection for over 30 years, I think it has been 4 or more years since I found this web site and have been learning ever since. I hope you well and hope you have a vase in the attic! Stan.


Well, first of all,you can't take advantage of me, that is impossible to happen . second what I really did is just show you what I have if I want authentic I use in auction house where expert can see the object in their hand . anyway I know what I have . thank you .


So this is the last of this!

This discussion forum is about an exchange on opinions of authenticity and age. If you cannot accept that your items might not be what you think, this is no reason to make personal attacks on other users, who try to help.


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