Blue and white olive vase

Started by nigelw, Jun 29, 2014, 09:50:02

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Hello, I am new here on the forum. I obtained this vase that is quite elegant, the shape is common in the Yongzheng period. But i am not entirely certain of its age. Please take a look and comment. Mid Qing? Late Qing?


The shape looks 20th century to me. I would like to see a verified (by a museum, etc.) Qing dynasty vase having this shape first.
The painting style could as well be Japanese.


Peter, I have never seen a Kangxi mark on a Japanese made vase, even on Japanese export. I agree 20th century.


Hi Peter, thank you for the comment. I must say that the shape does not make it 20th century. The olive shape is not common, particularly on the western market. these vases were popular in teh Yongzheng to Qianlong period. I am attaching a few well known examples that are highly valuable.


Pictures themselves do not prove anything, I'm afraid, you would have to provide links that lead to items instead; items which are located in well-known museum sites. Not just any museum, but some of those known with specialized Chinese collections, like the Palace Museum, V&A, etc.. Those in China are especially suspect. Only the Palace Museum and two or three others will do, because China is the source of most fakes, and we know that some  museums there do display fakes.

PS: Please don't post pictures that you do not have the copyright of, only links. We may get into trouble. This site is spidered on a regular basis by the search engines.


Of the three pictures posted only the third one looks like a regular shape.

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