Qianlong vase - 5 clawed dragon green and yellow gobular vase

Started by Gheday10, Dec 03, 2018, 11:25:40

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Yellow and Green globular Dragon vase, Tianqiuping. 24cm h. Is this imperial or a fake? The colour of the markings concern me. Please let me know if it is real and/or value. Thanks


The color of the marking should be fine, I think. Many marks on items with color glazes look that way.
With this quality it is difficult to tell from pictures alone whether it is authentic and imperial or not. Look good to me, but a hands-on inspection by a specialist is recommended. I mean someone who frequently handles imperial ware, e.g. a major auction house or museum.


Thanks for your opinion. I had an expert tell me that it is unlikely that it was from Qianlong period. Obviously, you would need to handle it to be sure.