mine new purchases -2

Started by Rec, Jul 25, 2018, 04:50:14

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I bought this hoping that this is a kangxi period porcelain plate. is this a good purchase?


This would probably be a Qianlong decoration, with underside Kangxi decoration. But foot rim and depth of plate look as if it was late Qing or an even later imitation.


Hi Peter
I think I saw some export porcelain with the same foot  rim and depth in a museum in holland which was indicated as kangxi period soup bowl. This is not one of them?


You better upload additional pictures of the following.
A closeup view of the foot rim, taken at an angle of about 45 degrees, not from straight above, so that the rim shape is clearly visible. Also a close view of the interior area within the foot rim, also taken at an angle. A side view taken straight from  the side (not at an angle), so that the shape is clearly shown. Proportions and shape are distorted if taken at an angle.
Always upload pictures that show any age signs, blemishes, etc. That helps verification.


I hope that these pics are good



Yes, looks now more like Kangxi.

(What concerns taking pictures, in the three posts below only the side view and last picture of the rim do really show a slanted rim. The first set clearly seems to be straight up. That is because the angle of photographing distorts the view.
None of these pictures was sufficient to show the bottom in detail, but that is common. The bottom should be taken at an angle of 45 degree or less, in order to show its surface and any depressions clearly. Such detail pictures may better be partial pictures because this way there is sufficient resolution, and the low angle is needed to allow the light to reflect off the surface. The larger the angle the less visible are indents, etc. from above.)  :-)


Thank you Peter,
I think I now understand how I should take pictures from now on. And as always I am very grateful to you.
greetings, Rec