Korean jarlet (2)

Started by peterp, Apr 07, 2017, 11:37:12

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I obtained this as being early Yi dynasty. Any views in this respect?

Anyway, this is to illustrate a Korean bottom with spurs from firing on foot rim clearly visible as is often the case with older wares.


This looks like some examples in my book " Vol.2 " the pattern is called Black and White Inlaid Celadon Pattern. the decoration is called Chrysanthemum and Bud inlay, the ones shown in the book look the same as far as decoration and color they are from the 12th and 13th centuries. The color, decoration and crackle are the same as yours, authentic pieces from these centuries are valuable.


I know. I do not really expect it to be from then, if it was late Yi dynasty I would be pleased but... still learning. 

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