Small Blue Vase

Started by kardinalisimo, Jan 07, 2015, 05:46:44

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About 7 1/2" tall. Highly doubt to be Kangxi period but wonder if it could be Late Qing/Republic or more recent?


More recent, I think.
I give you a tip...although my view is not based on this alone. If the Kaishu characters of a Qing dynasty mark are written in such an inconsistent manner as shown here, the item is more recent. In my experience this applies to Qing, but not to Ming wares.


Thanks for the reply.
By more recent you mean post Republic? Is that pitting on the back typical for certain period or it is just a firing/glazing flaw? Also, the inside walls of the foot are a bit oblique but not straight, that is a sign of later piece, isn't it?  How about the footrim, it is trimmed on the inside and the outside, does this give any clue?
Finally, is that a retailer's sticker?


The pitting is quite abnormal. Actually, I have never seen a vase looking that way. It could be intentional.