Porcelain Chinese bowl ??

Started by abderrahim, Jun 16, 2024, 03:25:23

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As there are no close-up pictures of the decoration it is not possible to confirm this, but to me it seems that a lot of this is actually (transfer) printed, judging by the repetition of many details.


These are the two photos I currently have, Thank you Peter for your help.


Just two tips:
If you have recurring elements in a decoration, check if some show exactly the same traits, flaws, stroke patterns, etc.  Look at the ru-yi decoration (heart shaped rim decoration), at the clouds, etc.
Such repetitive elements often show that transfer printing was involved.

I have seen decorations like this before. My guess is that the outlines might be greyish black thin lines. If two or more are the same type, are  they exactly the same? Items with so many dragons have often printed the dragon contour using transfer, then the colours may be filled in by hand. Don't get confused if the colours are hand-painted. The contour lines are often the only thing showing if transfer printing was used in complex decorations.


Thank you very much Peter for your advice.