Satsuma Satsuma Meiji Small Vase?

Started by gaseri, Sep 15, 2020, 07:59:00

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Could you please help me identify this small vase, 6.5" tall, 2.5" top.  It has no chips or cracks.
I have done some research and believe it could be Satsuma Meiji by Sennosuke Kusube (1859-1941), but the small bump on the side and lack of full signature on the bottom makes me doubtful.


Added pics


Added pic (not sure why one at a time only works)


Last pic of a small bump


Hi Gaseri, the gold has a high polished look, normally found on later copies, I can not make out the writing except for the word Foreicn, unless the C is a G meaning Foreign, this is fairly modern if it is even Japanese certainly done in the Japanese satsuma style with the Shimazu family crest, lets see if anyone can Identify the marks.


Thanks, Stan. I am attaching a closeup picture of the bottom, it has a partial red mark, the rest looks removed and the area covered with something glue-like perhaps. The stamp says FOREIGN with a G, just not very clearly. Do the notches on the very bottom edge indicate anything?
Thank you for checking the photos and for the information.  This is my first Satsuma research and the whole subject is fascinating.


The bump on the sides happened in the kiln when it was fired.


As often the Japanese handwriting is illegible. That means there is something amiss with the brush strokes.
With the vertical stroke crossing the horizontal one so much on the right side, the character would most likely be 村 (reads: Mura, frequently used as the first or second character in a family name). The left side strokes are unclear.


Thank you both, Stan and peterp.  So, I assume it is an authentic Satsuma piece, correct?  Can you approximate the time it was made?  I am happy to have found it, for some reason it caught my eye, the tiny details, and someone was letting it go for pennies.  Have a wonderful day!


Hi Gaseri, don't get me wrong, "Authentic", Authentic Satsuma would be 16th century made on the Island Kyushu and are extremely rare, as they are in private collections or Museums, what you see most of the time is Satsuma Style made in Kyoto or Awato  and various kilns, these wares were made for export mostly, however it is said that some of the Kyoto Satsuma, Gosu Blue was made for the Shimazu family and would have had the blue Shimazu crest on the bottom with the Gosu blue crest and Satsuma characters some times with the potter mark, these wares were so popular around the world that they were copied in other countries, these wares that were made in other countries are called Japanism, almost the same as "Chinoiserie",  I would like to point out on your vase the word foreign, I have never seen this on an antique or vintage Japanese earthen ware or porcelain, so your vase if made in Japan would be very modern or Japanism, made out side Japan.