Blackish brown bottle

Started by Stan, Sep 12, 2019, 14:11:23

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Hi Peter, the dealer wants more for this piece than the other 2 I posted, i kind of like this one better but I have not seen anything like it, I know that it is old but how old ? they are saying Song dynasty the bottle is 21.5 cm high your expert opinion is appreciated, thanks again.


Hi are the last of the photo's, thanks again for all your help.


Careful Stan. I think I have seen something similar somewhere, but not sure where.
The decoration looks as if it could be Jizhou ware, but the bottom is unlike anything I know from China, and the decoration might as well be non-Chinese. The mouth looks more like a meiping vase mouth, but the body is much too short for this.
I would not be surprised. There are some items in SE Asian countries that could also fit this. I will try if I can locate something similar. You are aware that if it is not Chinese its value may be lower, I'm sure. (The only I can say right now is that the bottom does not seem to be Japanese or Korean either.)


Hi Stan, I couldn't look at SE Asian items yet, but found these of Chinese origin. Some seem to have a resemblance, but the bottom on your pictures is just not standard for such items. Those I could check had all a flat bottom with foot rim.
Search results:


Thanks Peter, I appreciate your good judgement, I to thought the bottom looked strange, Im going to stay away from this piece because of the bottom and the price, thanks for all your help that was an awesome site for SE Asia bottles.