Chinese vase found on grandmothers attic

Started by mcnick1, Apr 07, 2019, 16:46:14

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Good day everyone,

My grandmother recently passed away and while cleaning out her house we found this vase. According to the stamp at the bottom it should be Quinlong period, but we doubt this as the vase is still really really clean. Her husband and all generations before him were sailors/captains and therefore we have no real clue who of them could have taken it back with him. So my question is to you, what do you think this vase is and if it is of any value.

The back of the vase is clear and clean, the picture on the front is the only picture on the vase. There is a sticker on it which could also mean it is fake or far newer than the stamp suggested, however my dad suggested that it is at least older than he is, as the vase has been there ever since he knew, >55 years.


Looks realy nice, seems to be handpainted and in a good quality. I am not sure, but to me it looks like republic period.


The bottom mark is a Qianlong reign mark, but it is apocryphal, as is the seal mark on the side which also mentions Qianlong. However, the specific painting style of these people and their faces can only be from the 20th century. Probably second quarter or later.