Please help to identify. Famille Verte?

Started by Colonyofbees, May 05, 2014, 15:07:55

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I purchased this large vase a few years ago from a deceased estate. It has no markings to the base but looks very old. It a scene with green overlaid decoration. Like a big seal with a dragon. The vase is quite large at 48 cm tall. If anyone can give me some ideas on style or origin it would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!



I would think this is either Japanese or western.


Whatever it is, it is new, I'm surprised that there is no marks on the bottom.


I think it may be western as well due to it being unmarked. As for age, it's definitely not new (although the camera makes it look new) as the son of the people who had owned it had had it for over 50 years (or that is what I am told). I has an old repair to bamboo style handle on one side of the vase.