Yixing marks

Started by robertoreigosamndez, Jan 02, 2015, 00:16:31

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Again, one more time, I'm studeing how to use it, I'll find the new topics place one for each ten times, is horrible...well, setep by step, I want to help too but I will need to know how....jejejej, well another pot


Thanks everybody for try to help me, I'm sure its no easy, imposible I guess, I only can see diferences into 20th century marks and older ones, but is no sure too....jejejeje....the most important is try to help...I'm collecting seals with name, and I have more or less 200....only in 20th century, is a madness. I ever see if the pot is zisha, not too dificult, mixtures clays too, and if almos it was made by mixed system, part by hand and part mechanical, if it is all by hand better. The age is fairly impossible, I only can pray for somebody that has one with the same stamp and knowing the traslation....thanks and regards