Fujisan (?) Reticulated Porcelain Plates

Started by Kaaren B., Sep 12, 2024, 03:02:40

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Kaaren B.

Here are two plates I picked up at yard sales this weekend ($2 for both!). I have seen reticulated/basket/openwork design online before, but this is the first time I have come across them in person.

The porcelain is very light and the painting very delicate. The reticulated borders are all intact with no broken areas. The mark was so small I had trouble photographing it, I hope you can read it.

I thought it said Fuji San but was not sure. Any ideas of origin or age? Thank you! Kaaren


Hi Kaaren, the decoration looks like first quarter of the 20th century and looks like it could be Kutani, I can't read the marks, nor could I find them in my books.

Kaaren B.

Thanks, Stan. I found one just like it for sale online and the vendor said the mark said fujisan-zo, but I wouldn't know if that were wrong or not. The painting is delicate like Kutani work, perhaps Kutani trained people at a different company. Another mystery. KB


The marks says 尾張屋造, which most likely is read 'made by' Obariya or Ohariya, the first version being more likely. A shop enterprise name.

Kaaren B.