Strange foot rim

Started by peterp, Mar 05, 2019, 13:50:59

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Has anyone ever seen any foot rim with such a protruding line along the outer circumference?
I am trying to find out if this is Chinese or not. All is dependent on this line.


Hi Peter, I know this looks completely different but the foot is similar, this is a piece I have had for awhile and since then I have only seen one other, I believe that mine is 2nd half of the 20th century, yours appears to be older though.


Yes indeed. Here are two more views.


Hi Peter, could you post a picture of the bottom please, nice bowl.


Without that protrusion this would be a fairly forward attribution of origin, but there should be no such line in Chinese porcelain. And, the age signs seem to be clear, therefore it can also not be easily dismissed as a fake. Researching ...

This type of flamb?* glaze is the only thing that seems to be indicating that it could be Chinese. Most other kilns do not seem to have this, outside China.

(* not sure if 'flamb?' is the right name for this type of glaze)


Could the mark be a signature, I know of Modern Japanese potters that produce similar glazes, is the mark Japanese?


Thanks Stan. It is some character, but I do not think it is a name. Possibly not even related to the manufacturer. Such glazes existed in China as early as the Tang dynasty, but I do not know if they made bowls too, and the bottom at that time would have been more likely flat. The bottom itself is more resembling a Yuan bottom. The glaze looks as if the age signs were genuine, so I would expect it to be older than just a few decades. You can do an image for "Lushan glaze" to see items with similar glazes.



No, it is elevated, purpose unknown.