
Started by Pablo82, Sep 26, 2018, 01:53:04

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Hi Peter, Stan and members,

in your opinion, could this bowl be from Qing period as it would appear or is later?

Thank you in advance.




The pattern is from the Jiaqing/Daoguang period, but the foot rim  looks as if it could as well be a hundred years later. I would think a hands-on inspection would be needed to make sure how old this is.


Hi Peter, a while ago at a local auction I bought several basins in one lot and one of the basins is almost Identical to this, that would be great if it is from the Jiaqing/Daoguang period, Thanks your expertise.


Pablo, please be careful when buying similar items together, or from the same source. Basically, when similar items in a good condition like this one come from the same seller/owner, there is a good chance that they obtained them from them same source. Sometimes this can be a sign that they are not antique, because current fakes are often made in batches and sold that way.


Ok Peter, I'll follow your advise, as always very kind and valuable, thank you. I found it alone actually, but as you say it it is in a very good condition. If you want I could post more detailed phothos  (opening a new topic because in this one I have already reached maximum total size for the attachments). Thank you Stan for your contribution.


I would insist and a hands-on inspection. Sometimes it is difficult to be sure with photographs only.


I'd like to live close to your place Peter! Thank you for your expertise and advices.